Timeless Teachings in a Changing World
Among the greatest gifts of learning, is the knowledge acquired after your hard work and perseverance. With knowledge comes dedication and enthusiasm to learn, which can be achieved through your personal efforts and life experiences gained from people who share your interest and are passionate about your success.
At Gettysburg Language Institute, we believe learning English must not be confined to the classroom walls alone. As human beings we are prone to learning everyday and one of the greatest avenues to knowledge is through understanding of the culture and way of life of others. The idea behind Gettysburg Language Institute was born out of the desire to open the opportunity of language study to High School students around the world. Those familiar with Gettysburg know the town as a historic site of the American Civil War and the center of the famous Gettysburg Address delivered by Abraham Lincoln. Besides, Gettysburg is also a great learning environment and home to one of the oldest colleges in America.
The town is home to beautiful national parks, museums and important monuments. During your summer study, you will have the opportunity of visiting major American cities like: Washington DC, Baltimore, New York and interesting places in the state of Pennsylvania. Our students will see important Washington monuments including a view of the White House, the famous home of the American President. Students will also visit Times Square, St Patrick's Cathedral, Fifth Avenue and the Metropolitan Museum among other places in New York.
We hope you will embark on the learning experience with us. Our team looks forward to welcoming you.